If you have been injured because of someone else's negligence, you need Guster Law Firm on your team.

Birmingham Talcum Powder Ovarian Cancer Lawsuit
Put 40+ Years of Experience in Your Corner
In a stunning verdict recently, a St. Louis jury awarded the family of a deceased 62 year old Alabama woman $72 million in actual and punitive damages. The defendant ordered to pay restitution to the woman's family was none other than pharmaceutical giant and household name, Johnson and Johnson. The civil lawsuit filed by the family of the late Jacqueline Fox alleged that her daily use for 35 years of Johnson and Johnson's Baby Powder and Shower to Shower body powder (both containing talc) for feminine hygiene purposes lead to her development of ovarian cancer and ultimately her death.
In addition, the suit alleged that Johnson and Johnson had long been aware of the relationship between talc and ovarian cancer but chose to keep selling the products and not put warning labels on the products. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and used products containing talc, you may be entitled to compensation for damages.
To find out if you have grounds for a viable defective product, personal injury, or wrongful death claim, you'll need to consult an attorney experienced in those fields of law. Birmingham, Alabama's Guster Law Firm, LLC has been successfully representing injury victims for well over a decade all over the United States. We are aggressive and tenacious and will fight to get you the results you desire in your claim.
Call us today at (877) 487-8375 for a free case consultation and evaluation.
What is Talc?
Talc is a mineral composed of hydrated magnesium silicate. It has excellent absorption properties and is used in building materials, paints, paper, cosmetics, and many other products. When it is ground down into a fine powder it is an essential element of many baby powders. Other baby powders have switched to using cornstarch instead of talc because talc can be poisonous if breathed in or ingested.
Talcum Powder for Feminine Hygiene
For many years, talcum powder was used for feminine hygiene to control odors in the genital area. Johnson and Johnson developed a product similar to baby powder that was scented and marketed it especially for feminine hygiene use. The product is called Shower to Shower and it is advertised with the slogan "Just a sprinkle a day helps keep odor away." Deane Berg of Sioux Falls, South Dakota followed that slogan's advice. She used both Johnson and Johnson's Baby Powder and Shower to Shower for feminine hygiene daily since the age of 18. When she was 49 she was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. She sued Johnson and Johnson and was offered a $1.3 million settlement. The only catch was that the settlement came with a confidentiality clause, meaning she could not disclose how much she was paid and what she was paid for. Ms. Berg turned down the settlement rather than be silenced.
The Link Between Talc and Ovarian Cancer
The first study linking products containing talc and ovarian cancer took place 45 years ago in 1971. The study found talc particles in ovarian tissue of patients with ovarian cancer. Subsequent studies have had mixed results, but many physicians take the link seriously. And apparently, some within Johnson and Johnson also took the link between talcum powder and cancer seriously.
During Ms. Fox's trial, internal company memos were presented, proving that at least some employees at the pharmaceutical giant believed the link between talcum powder and cancer was significant. In one such memo, a company medical consultant likened ignoring the risks associated with hygienic use of talcum powder and ovarian cancer to denying the link between smoking cigarettes and cancer. During Ms. Berg's trial, an attorney for Johnson and Johnson admitted that the company was aware of the link between talcum powder and cancer but considered it insignificant and decided not to warn consumers of the danger on the label.
Now that at least one plaintiff has received a monetary settlement from Johnson and Johnson, it opens up a possibilities for more talcum powder/cancer-related claims. Thousands of women are now in the process of filing injury claims against the company, and you can too, if you've been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and have used talcum powder in the past.
Get Help With Your Case Today
To learn more about taking legal action against a large pharmaceutical corporation, consult an experienced attorney. Our Alabama talcum powder injury lawyer at Guster Law Firm, LLC will take a personal interest in your case and get you the best settlement possible.
It all starts with a phone call to (205) 581-9777 and a free consultation.
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When you or a loved one has been injured by someone else's negligence, you need Alabama's Premier Personal Injury Law Firm on your side.