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Drowning Accidents

If you have been injured because of someone else's negligence, you need Guster Law Firm on your team.

Birmingham Drowning Accident Lawyer

Get Legal Assistance After a Drowning Accident

Guster Law Firm, LLC represents families in drowning accident cases. These cases often result in tragedy, with the person either dying or suffering permanent brain damage. Whether the drowning occurred at a private, public, or commercial pool, or in one of the many lakes or rivers in the Birmingham area, including Lewis Smith Lake, Double Oak Lake, Lake Guntersville, and Lake Martin, we can help.

Boating Accidents and Drowning

Boating accidents are far too common in Alabama, and often related to the following issues, according to research presented by the U.S. Coast Guard:

  • Operator inattention
  • Improper lookout
  • Operator inexperience
  • Excessive speed
  • Alcohol use
  • Navigation rules violations

Swimming Pool Drownings in Alabama: Was it Negligence?

A private pool, hotel pool, or public pool is often the location of a serious or fatal drowning accident. The question arises -- was this the result of an act of negligence? When lifeguards fail to perform their duties, or when caretakers or other supervisors are inattentive, a child (or adult) can drown in just a few minutes. All personal injury cases in Alabama hinge upon the legal concept of negligence. This is defined as: "Conduct that falls below the standards of behavior established by law for the protection of others against unreasonable risk of harm."

In order to file a lawsuit to pursue compensation, the following factors must be established:

  1. The defendant had a duty to the plaintiff.
  2. The duty was breached.
  3. The negligent conduct was the cause of harm.

We urge you to call Guster Law Firm, LLC and tell us what happened. Our Alabama drowning accident attorney understands that your situation is both overwhelming and emotionally devastating. We are compassionate, dedicated, and have a deep understanding of Alabama personal injury law as applied to drowning accidents, and we can evaluate your claim and advise you how to move forward, legally.

Drowning Accident Injuries

Those that survive a drowning are often left with permanent impairments. While submerged, the body is deprived of the oxygen necessary for continued life. For those that survive, treatment is focused on correcting oxygen deprivation. The person, when removed from the water, may appear alert, drowsy, or may be unconscious. They may gasp for breath, vomit, cough, or wheeze. Skin may appear blue in color.

Even when the person appears to have recovered, after inhaling liquid, there is a risk of what is termed "secondary drowning," which may not become obvious until several hours later. Sadly, permanent brain damage is a common result of drowning. The injured person may suffer both physical and mental impairments, or in the worst cases, is left in a vegetative state.

Drowning Accident Facts

The Centers for Disease Control reports that about 10 people die every day from drowning accidents. Of these, about 80% are male. The highest drowning rates impact children from ages 1 to 4, most of which occur in residential swimming pools. When children swimming in a private pool are not carefully supervised, it takes only moments for a child to become submerged and suffer permanent brain damage from oxygen deprivation, or die. For those who are older, including adolescents and adults, alcohol is associated with 70% of the drowning deaths.

Guster Law Firm, LLC - Legal Help You Can Trust

If negligence led to the drowning accident, whether in a pool, hot tub, or while boating, it is critical that you get legal help at once.

Call our firm and speak with us as soon as possible for legal help you can trust. Guster Law Firm, LLC can be reached at (205) 581-9777.

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Guster Law Firm, LLC We Fight for Our Community. We Fight for You.

When you or a loved one has been injured by someone else's negligence, you need Alabama's Premier Personal Injury Law Firm on your side.